On blanks and "hum"s… When we don't know, when we need to take some time to consider our answer, to build it. We own it. We own it, we shut up, and we take the time it will take. It's not an issue. On the contrary!
How to export one of those pesky weird PDF forms as a regular PDF Failing to open a PDF form using Preview? Want to export a PDF form to a regular PDF (on macOS)? Here's the solution you weren't looking for.
Make your UIButtons come to life After giving our UIViews' both shadows AND rounded corners, today we will learn how to animate UIButtons and make them visually respond to our users' touch!
Covid vaccines reticence is a trust issue I have a piece on how most things we try to accomplish in life often come down to people buy-in that has been sitting as a draft for over a year. I still hope to actually finish and publish it here some day in the near future, but answering to
No space left on your Cloud9 environment? Here's how to solve that While using Cloud9, and installing node dependencies, my instance ran out of space. I couldn't finish setting up my project, and the terminal's autocompletion was dead in the water.
Getting the last two values from an RxSwift Observable I really can't remember why, but at some point I needed to get a RxSwift Observable's last two values, to compare them and decide what to do next.
A world of waste Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?