Halt and Catch Fire: A SwiftUI @StateObject counterexample Learn how to avoid some trivial SwiftUI state management pitfalls from a dead-simple counterexample of misusing @ObservedObject in SwiftUI
Types are nice, infinite recursion edition Playing around on hackerrank to prepare for an interview, I had some fun solving tree problems using recursion.
Going further with ChatGPT Discover the untapped potential of ChatGPT in our latest blog post, and learn how this tool can transform the way you create diagrams and rephrase text, simplifying tedious tasks and enhancing your content!
Conditionally debounce value updates, in Swift Improve your iOS app's performance and enhance your users' experience by learning how to conditionally debounce events. Also, it's a panacea that solves everything. Ok, almost everything. Depending on how you look at it.
Metaprogramming in Swift, and the issue with Process and relative paths Find out why your Swift CLI tool isn't capable of dealing with relative paths, and how to solve it!
Convert between image (pixels) and scaleAspectFit UIImageView coordinates like a champ! When working with images in iOS, it's sometimes necessary to convert between an image's pixel coordinates and the coordinates of the UIImageView that displays the image. Here's how to do it.
Life is short, and I am wasting mine away I envy most lead fictional characters of well-enough written stories. With their foes, their moral dilemmas, the high(ish) stakes. Wether they live in a manichean or a complex world, what matters usually is obvious. In these worlds, one knows what they have to care about if they want Here?