Unwrapping Any, in Swift If Any is not nil, except when it is, how do we check it and unwrap the underlying?
Types are nice: recursive types, in Swift What's a recursive type, what is it useful for, and how can we implement and use one in Swift? Let's find out!
Fooling around with masks & shadows in SwiftUI Dive into the technical world of SwiftUI where masks meet shadows. Learn how to creatively manipulate visual elements for stunning interfaces with our comprehensive tutorial, featuring easy-to-follow examples
Halt and Catch Fire: A SwiftUI @StateObject counterexample Learn how to avoid some trivial SwiftUI state management pitfalls from a dead-simple counterexample of misusing @ObservedObject in SwiftUI
Conditionally debounce value updates, in Swift Improve your iOS app's performance and enhance your users' experience by learning how to conditionally debounce events. Also, it's a panacea that solves everything. Ok, almost everything. Depending on how you look at it.
Metaprogramming in Swift, and the issue with Process and relative paths Find out why your Swift CLI tool isn't capable of dealing with relative paths, and how to solve it!
Convert between image (pixels) and scaleAspectFit UIImageView coordinates like a champ! When working with images in iOS, it's sometimes necessary to convert between an image's pixel coordinates and the coordinates of the UIImageView that displays the image. Here's how to do it.