A world of waste
You see all this of useless stuff we're all drowning in, of which most of us can only, at best, see (part of) the surface? All these products we find online and see in shops?
Each and every one of them was designed. Yes, each one. Designed. By people.
Each and every one took raw materials to make too, right? Which had to be extracted. By people.
Materials which had to be transported. By people. Using some fuel. Which was extracted some way or another. By people. Then transformed, by people. Turned into these things. Again, by people. Things which traveled, again, around the world. Again, one way or another, transported by people. Lots and lots of people.
Yet, most of these things are mostly pointless! And that's just material goods.
How many of us are there, wasting our lives away on pointless, meaningless things that, for most, add, at best, marginal value, both to our own lives' and to others'
Jobs said it best:
Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?