Not satisfied with how you're handling pagination in your Swift iOS app? Pretty sure there has to be a better way to paginate your UICollectionView or UITableView? So did I, and here's how I did it!
When developing apps, we almost always end up having to handle some sort of pagination or another.
Often, it involves keeping some page number around. Sometimes, it requires some logic involving the current page number and the total number of pages (ie most REST APIs, including Algolia's). Occasionaly, you may end up handling some cursor and passing it around (Firestore and DynamoDB come to mind). And I'm pretty sure there are many other ways this is done out there.
When you only have to deal with one or the other, it's a straightforward no-brainer. But every once in a while, your rare stamps marketplace app ends up having to display both simple ordered lists and search results, using both Firestore and Algolia as datasources, to display the exact same thing, using very different pagination behaviors.
In any case, you shouldn't recode your collections for each separate datasource. Yes, you could handle this is in your ViewModels or Presenter and expose it transparently to your views. But is it their problem to begin with?
Not for me. My ViewModels' work is to decide when to get the next batch of results, eventually transform the data for my view, and pass it along. That's it. Not figure out whether my current page number is less than or equal to the total number of pages - 1, or whether or not last call returned the exact number of items I asked for. And certainly not to try and keep track of different pagination values that may or may not be optional.
We shouldn't have to spread multiple pagination patterns handling all over our app. It should be contained. It should be DRY. It should offer a unique, consistent API whatever the source is. And it should be totally invisible to the rest of our code.
How do we do that? First, we define a custom 'Result Type', with two properties: the fetched result, wether it's a single item or a list, and some optional function returning the next batch of results. Next, we make it so that every single one of our API calls wrap their return value with our new 'Result Type'.
Ideally, this would look like this
That's the main idea. Sadly, it just doesn't work this way. If you try it, XCode will just scream at you, saying Type alias 'CustomResultType' references itself, because our type alias does reference itself. Also, our type alias's hardcoded 'ItemType' definitely isn't anywhere near universal. Let's overcome these issues.
How? Generics and, as you might have already noticed, a healthy dose of functional programming. For those of you who are unfamiliar with those and want to know more about them, keep reading. Everyone else, skip to the implementation.
The tools
Aside from being intrinsically awesomely awesome, generic types are the go-to tool whenever you want to make a type... uh... well, generic.
Kidding aside, generics are what you turn to when you want to make classes, methods, structures or functions that can take different type of parameters. Such as a function that can swap two items' positions in an array, no matter the array's type. Some function that could add either Ints, Doubles or CGFloats, depending on what you give it at runtime. Or, say... a result enum who's values can be of any type, without losing said type! (using that dreadfulAny would lose the values' types).
The other awesome tool we'll be using is the functional programming paradigm. Well, a very small subset of it; nothing really fancy: the abilities to return a function, and to pass functions as parameters.That's possible because functions in Swift are said to be first class (see Sundell's great article on first class functions), meaning we can use them just like any other values.
If you've ever used map, flatMap, filter or reduce, then you've already encountered functional programming, because these functions take your mapping, filtering or reducing functions as arguments, making them what we call higher order functions (here's a nice post on that).
So, basically, we'll be making a higher order function that returns a function, which will return both our next page and, if applicable the function returning the page after that, as well as... Yes, this is recursive. And awesome!
The generic, custom, Result type
The workaround for the self-referencing typealias is to use an enum (shoutout to Nibr), with the current result(s) and the function to get the next batch of results as optional associated values.
enum CustomResult {
indirect case node(ItemType?, (() -> CustomResult)?)
AND. IT. BUILDS! Nice! Next, make it generic!
enum GenericCustomResult<T> {
indirect case node(T?, (() -> GenericCustomResult<T>)?)
Great! We have our generic result type. Now, we simplify it's usage. Accessing an enum's cases' associated values is a bit of a pain, we'll be using this specific one all over the place, and since there's only one case, we don't want the rest of our app to have to deal with it each and every time we use it.
enum GenericCustomResult<T> {
indirect case node(T?, (() -> GenericCustomResult<T>)?)
var value: T? {
if case let GenericCustomResult.node(value, _) = self {
return value
return nil
var next: (() -> GenericCustomResult<T>)? {
if case let GenericCustomResult.node(_, next) = self {
return next
return nil
Finally, the completion block. Most if not all of these calls will be asynchronous, so our 'next' needs to take a completion function, in order to return the results.
The returning method
We have a return type. What would an API call returning this new type look like? It depends, based on the API your app consummes (wether it uses pages or cursors; wether it does or doesn't return the total number of pages,...), and the tools you use to do so. But first, let's define our data's model.
URLSession is the original, native, iOS framework for networking.
Alamofire is an open-source networking library for iOS, written in Swift, that takes much of the pain away compared to URLSession. See for yourself
Algolia is a Search SaaS, with an excellent documentation, impressive performances and great capabilities, that takes care of most, if not all, of the heavy-lifting involved in implementing a search feature for your app (mobile or web).
Last one, Firestore. It uses an interesting pagination pattern: cursors. Basically, you tell it at which or after which item matching your item it should start looking.
Using the returned value
Ok. Now, what do we do with it all? How do we actual use all of it? That's the whole point, right? Simplifying our API consumption, and making sure the rest of our app doesn't have to bother with pagination.
Say you are using an MVC, architecture. Your (stripped down and much simplified) ViewController would look like this
Have an MVVM architecture? Don't fret; we've got you covered!
Using firestore and have to handle query cursors? It's the exact same thing!
Yes, that's it. That really is all there is to it.
Finally, this post is directly inspired from the issue that lead me to asking this question on StackOverflow a while ago.
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Thank you for reading this far, and have a great day!
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